Wellcome to National Portal
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Services List
1. Publication of monthly statistical bulletins, annual statistical pocketbooks and year books containing various essential information of the country.

2. Conducting and reporting population census, agricultural census, and economic census every ten years.
3. Calculating and publishing Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and other macroeconomic indicators including growth rates such as savings, investment, consumption, per capita income, etc.;
4. Calculation and publication of month-wise Consumer Price Index (CPI) including food and non-food products used in daily life of consumers;

5. preparation and publication of foreign trade statistics;

6. Preparation and publication of wage indices for workers engaged in various occupations;

7. Prepare and publish statistics on production of various crops and amount of land under crops and land use.

8. Collection, compilation and publication of information on child nutrition and child conditions.
9. Prepare and publish Gender Statistics to assess the socio-economic status of women with a view to development and empowerment;

10. Prepare and publish information on poverty situation in the country by conducting Household Income and Expenditure Survey.